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GEATbx - Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox (single/multi user license, university) 3.x

GEATbx - Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox (single/multi user license, university) 3.x

GEATbx - Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox (single/multi user license, university) Publisher's Description

The GEATbx is the most comprehensive implementation of Evolutionary Algorithms in Matlab. A broad range of operators is fully integrated into one environment constituting a powerful optimization tool applicable to a wide range of problems.

More information (including extensive documentation on Evolutionary Algorithms) is available from For a full description of the features of the GEATbx, please visit the website.

Who should use the GEATbx?

  • engineers solving real-world problems,
  • researchers comparing and developing new algorithms and test functions,
  • students becoming acquainted with evolutionary algorithms,

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